Walt Disney Concert Hall Architecture Detail

Los Angeles, Calfornia


Anacapa Island, California, USA.

Anacapa Island House and Flag

Anacapa Island, California


Trees are sanctuaries.
Whoever knows how to speak to them,
whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth.
They do not preach learning and precepts,
they preach undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.

– Hermann Hesse, Wandering

B&W: Enchanted Pond

The Huntington Botanical Gardens
The Huntington Botanical Gardens. California.

Which Way Challenge

This is my entry for the Which Way Photo Challenge, by sonofabeach96

Sonofabeach96 explains: “This Which Way challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

If you want to participate or check the other entries, click on the link: sonofabeach96

B&W: Santa Barbara County Courthouse

Santa Barbara County Courthouse


Santa Barbara, California

Lavander color plant with orange flowers

The Huntington Botanical Gardens. San Marino, California

Do you know the name of this plant? I would love to know it because I want one for my collection 🙂 It seems to be a succulent because of the fat leafs, which they seem to collect water..

B&W: Eagle

Santa Barbara, California