Neptune & Mermaid

This sculptures belong to the building of Santa Barbara County Courthouse, in California.

Mayan Faces


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I took all the photos at Museo Maya (Mayan Museum), in Cancun, Quintana Roo-Mexico.

Little Angel

Getty Center Museum. Los Angeles, California

Stone Child

Mexico City Downtown.

This sculpture belongs to the corner of a building.

Isis: Egyptian Goddess of Fertility, Love and Magic

San Antonio Museum of Art. Texas

Isis is the greek name of this goddess, her Egyptian name was Aset or Ast. Her hieroglyphic name incorporates the sign for a throne, which Isis also wears on her head as a sign of her identity.

She was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. She helped the dead enter the afterlife.  Through her relationship with her son Horus (Sky god), she came to be seen as the epitome of maternal devotion. Her maternal aid was invoked in healing spells to benefit ordinary people.



Weekly Photo Challenge: rounded


Museum of the Mexican Revolution, House of the Serdan Brothers. Puebla, Mexico.

Ra: the Egyptian Sun God

San Antonio Museum of Art. Texas.

Ra is the ancient Egyptian Sun God, he represents sunlight, warmth and growth, and was revered as the God who created everything.

About his apprearance, Ra was usually depicted in human form with a falcon head crowned with a sun disc which is encircled by a sacred cobra named Uraeus.

He was considered the creator of everything, and something interesting is that humans were created from Ra’s tears.


San Antonio Museum of Art. Texas

Tiny Beings

San Antonio Museum of Art. Texas
San Antonio Museum of Art. Texas. Latin American Art, Pre-Columbian art gallery.