Street Art: Mother Angel

San Antonio, Texas

Upside down


Mexico City


Graffiti: Sea Creature

Coyoacan, Mexico City.

Graffiti: Red Octopus

Coyoacán, Mexico City.
Coyoacán, Mexico City.

Graffiti around the word: Mexico (10)

Ocean Graffiti

Santa Monica, California
Santa Monica, California

Wall of Sea Creatures

Santa Barbara, California
Santa Barbara, California

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wall

Grafitti Around the World Gallery

Back to the Magical Door

Santa Barbara, California
Santa Barbara, California. Art made by Collete Cosenting

On November I traveled to California and visited again Santa Barbara. There, I saw again my Magic Door, although it had a new appearance; a bright turquoise look, and this time it wasn’t guarded by a friendly purple monster with five eyes.

I want this blog to be like a magic door by which you can look out and view the world through the images I will show you. You can look through the keyhole or open the door wide, don’t worry if you find the purple monster with five eyes because he is very friendly. So if you enjoy photography and you are willing to explore the world, this blog is for you, just let me show you its colors.

Barrio de San Telmo
Barrio de San Telmo

Graffiti around the world: Buenos Aires, Argentina 5


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Graffiti around the world: Buenos Aires, Argentina 4