Casa Rosada: full view

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Argentinean Characters

Barrio La Boca. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Barrio La Boca. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Colorful Pizzeria

Barrio La Boca. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

London City Café’s Street Corner

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina

I read that the London City Café of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was the favorite café of one of my favorite writers: Julio Cortázar.

It is a traditional café which is located at Avenida de Mayo and Peru, and it forms part of the list of notable bars of the City.

It is said that Julio Cortázar used some of its tables to write his novel “Los Premios”, in the 60’s.

Colors of the Water

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.

-Lao Tzu

Weekly Photo Challenge: H2O

Conservation works at Casa Rosada

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buque Museo Corbeta

Puerto Mdero. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Puerto Madero. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The ship “Corbeta” is the oldest ship afloat of the Argentine Army, which was launched in 1874, and currently is a Museum.

Argentina’s National Bank Building


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This building is considered historical heritage. It was designed by architect Alejandro Bustillo. It occupies an entire city block with 100,000 square meters and was inaugurated in 1944, although in that year only the first stage of construction of the National Bank was finished, because it was indeed completed until 1955.

The National Bank is one of the most imposing and pretentious works of Argentina architecture, due to both its volume and various elements of its design  among which stands out especially its gigantic dome 50 meters in diameter (for me, you can’t notice from outside a dome, because it seems only a square roof), judged by Bustillo as probably the largest in South America.

Nicolas Avellaneda Ferry Bridge and Bridge

Barrio La Boca. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Barrio La Boca. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The ferry bridge (the brown structure located in front), was inaugurated in May 31, 1914, in La Boca neighborhood, and it was in use until the 60s. The structure did not hold a bridge itself, but a pendant ferry platform, which allowed the transport of pedestrians, cars, motor vehicles or trams between two avenues.

Although, a new bridge was constructed (orange structure, located behind) and inaugurated in October 5, 1940, the public opinion requested to keep the old ferry bridge for its historical and social value, as well for its symbolic and monumental significance to the neighborhood of La Boca and the City of Buenos Aires.

Both were named in homage to the ex President Nicolas Avellaneda.

Puerto Madero View from Women’s Bridge

Puerto Madero. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Puerto Madero. Buenos Aires, Argentina

In November 2014, Puerto Madero, the youngest district of Buenos Aires, has turned 25 years and is still growing. Thanks to a planned change that was originated in 1992, Puerto Madero became the symbol of a renewed Buenos Aires, which recognizes and incorporates the river that gave birth to it, while the project integrates recreation and work. It’s a place for recreation due to the various restaurants located in the area, and a place of work because there are many commercial buildings and corporate offices. If you travel to Buenos Aires it is considered a must place to visit.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Puerto Madero. Buenos Aires, Argentina